Saturday, January 24, 2015

The title of my article is "What Do Cats Think About Us? You May Be Surprised" by Christine Dell'Amore. Here is the link to the article: The article is about the way cats treat people. According to the Dell'Amore, cats treat people like other cats, while dogs treat people like a separate kind of creature. The article relates to me because I have nine cats and I am curious about the way the cats think of me and how they behave toward me. I learned a lot from this article, and it helped me understand my cats better; my cats show all of the behaviors shown in the article! I like the article because it makes me feel more comfortable knowing what my cat probably thinks about me, especially that the cat does not think I'm stupid :)  However, I did not like some information the article. For example, I do not agree with Dell'Amore when she writes "Cats don't forgive." I know from experience that even if you accidentally annoy or hurt a cat, such as when you step on a cat's tail, the cat will not stay away from you permanently.   

Loki, treating me like a cat

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